What We Do

Rise and Shine Academy and Child Care is a preschool and school age large family child care environment based out of a home. We offer flexible part time and full time preschool and school-age educational opportunities and extended care. Generally, the program is open Monday through Friday with morning and afternoon sessions and/or extended care. We have care options for the evenings and weekends too.

Preschool includes school readiness, learning, outdoor play, indoor play, large and small group activities, and well as a snack. Full day academy and child care means that your child would have access to both morning and afternoon sessions as well as extended care from 7:00am to 5:00pm which also includes breakfast and a nap period. Parents provide lunch.

Below are detailed descriptions of all learning areas that are part of the curriculum that will build competencies and prepare them for a lifetime of learning.   

God’s Time
Everyday, we set aside some very important time to focus on God: studying His word, and learning the powerful stories of the Bible. We do this through singing worship songs, praying and saying “Grace” at meal times, making crafts, and reading children’s versions of the Bible. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 “With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119: 10-11

Everything we do is tied into The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey! We focus on leadership through the following habits: Be Proactive: I am in charge of my actions, attitudes, and moods. Begin with the End in Mind: Know what you want before you do it. Put First Things First: Work before play. Think Win-Win: I win, you win, EVERYONE wins! Seek First to Understand and Then to be Understood: Listen first, then talk. Synergize: Together is better. Sharpen the Saw: Take care of yourself (mind, body, heart, and soul). When children focus on these habits, they cultivate a feeling of leadership in their lives where they discover that as long as they are doing the best they can at using the habits, they can anticipate positive outcomes.

Through S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) lessons and experiments, children learn to observe, test, verify, and make discoveries!

Group Games
We frequently incorporate group games into the curriculum. These activities are designed to get children’s heart rate going, energize their minds, promote agility, healthy lifestyles, self-esteem, teamwork and good sportsmanship.

Artistic Exploration
Artistic exploration is taught and is an integral part of our curriculum. Art gives children opportunities to problem solve and express themselves creatively. Children get to explore with different types of media such as oil pastels, tempera paint, and sketching pencils. They learn about styles of art such as self-portraits, cubism, abstract and impressionism. They also learn about famous artists such as Picasso, Van Gogh, and Monet. Techniques of art are taught as well through understanding the elements of art including, line, shade, texture, and form. Additionally, art principles and art history are also explored in the program.

Social Development
Social Development is the focus of awareness about how an individual fits into the greater society. We teach children about how much they matter in this world and how they have the power to impact their world for the good. Concepts like sharing, being a good friend, and helping others are all examples of social development.

Nutrition is taught as part of the program in partnership with our outdoor exploration. We teach children about the importance of making healthy food choices in conjunction with an overall healthy lifestyle. Children are taught how to plan and prepare healthy, no-cooking snacks, the importance of getting enough minerals and vitamins, “sometimes foods” versus “everyday foods”, and GO activities!

As part of the program, Drama is encouraged and recognized as a very important art form. It teaches children strong public speaking skills and promotes self-esteem through storytelling and movement.

Literacy is explored daily. It builds listening and reading comprehension skills, letter and word knowledge, storytelling skills, and phonemic awareness.

Music and Movement
Music and Movement is all about rhythm and music appreciation. Learning how to move your body to the beat is an important skill that supports agility. In addition, children explore different types of music and musical instruments from around the world that support appreciation of different cultures.

Craft Time
Craft time is designed to encourage children to problem solve and follow instructions. Craft time gives children the opportunity to create something that has to do with the learning that is taking place in the classroom.

Celebrating America
Learning about the great things that Americans have accomplished and are accomplishing is worth learning about and celebrating. Teaching children the value of appreciating something positive that someone has done for their neighbors is of paramount importance for inspiring our young children to do the same.

Multicultural Exploration
As part of the program, children will learn about different cultures and appreciating them for their unique contributions to the world. This builds awareness, respect, and understanding on how they can enjoy and engage with people and cultures that are different from their own.

Outdoor Exploration
Children will be given the opportunity to play and explore a large outdoor space that is beautiful, serene, safe, clean, and provides a variety of activities to develop gross motor skills.

Etiquette and Manners
In every aspect of the program, manners and etiquette will be incorporated through demonstration, encouragement, and expectation. Politeness is a critical life skill that children will need to learn to be successful in their future endeavors.